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ABC Bee Design Competition

Updated: Apr 3, 2021

Are you good at graphic design?

Can you draw a friendly hockey playing bee to be our ABC club mascot??

We decided in 2020 to keep the current ABC logo but we had a lot of support for a Bee design to be used on training and post-match supporters gear...

But drawing a friendly hockey playing bee isn't as easy as it sounds... or maybe for you it is??

So we are running a competition for an ABC Bee design. Submissions to be emailed to by 5pm Friday 30th April 2021. (Ts & Cs apply)

Terms and Conditions

- The winning bee will be chosen by a selection panel of 8-10 people. They will be selected by the Committee to ensure a cross section of the clubs teams, gender and age are all represented.

- Some minor adjustments may be asked for to ensure the winning bee is able to be used on all digital media as well as printed on supporters gear.

- You will be giving over all the rights to your bee design to ABC Hockey club.

- No material prize is offered, just bragging rights that your design will be worn by ABC club members for many years to come. (Actually we can probably stretch to some free merchandise with your bee design on it).


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